HR Database·

All your employees gathered in your management software's HR database

The Organizational Chart allows you to gather all employees and external collaborators.

The Human Resources database allows you to gather all employees and external collaborators. An organizational chart will be automatically generated.

Each person has a profile in the organizational chart, where you can find their career path, skills matrix, experience, completed missions, degree(s), and more.

You can quickly create your consultants or support functions by entering their personal data, current role, and access profile. This module also includes alumni, on/offboarding, salaries, and bonuses.

You can customize various categories: bonuses, statuses, contract types, onboarding/offboarding processes, and information message templates.

The statistics also display historical data such as turnover overall, by country, office, team, and even by groups. You can also track reasons for departure, workforce distribution, and departing employees along with their seniority.

Consulting firm employee management software - BestConsultant

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